english version
miscellaneous stuff

Obviously, Thomas has had some spare time for making some WindowMaker themes.

The first one is a holiday theme. He has been on the Gran Canaria island where his buddy made a fat aps panorama photo. Seems, this pic was meant to be a desktop background ;-).
RIDE BMX! is what the second one wants to tell us. He grabbed some nice patterns out of the web and made cool menus and stuff out of these. There are different variants available with varying colors and backgrounds. Check them at wm.themes.org.

Accompanying the bmX theme, we have made some patches for various dockapps, since we wanted to create uniform X11 look.

As a first test of The Gimps abilities, Marko decided to make himself a personal xmms skin. After an endless editing and changing session the thing was ready, not perfect, though. Another one is worked on, this time in bmX.themed style. But since Marko has a lot of other work to do (to keep this site up and running, ...), it will yet take some time to finish the project.